The Jenner Centre – DD9 Connections Issue No 22


Our newest session has been the CPR training which came from a suggestion on our Open Days.  We had 12 attendees on 16th January 2025 and an excellent trainer who answered all our questions in a way we could all understand.  The end result was that there are now 12 more people in Brechin who would be more confident and willing to attempt CPR than they would have thought possible.   Maybe one of the most valuable things we learned was that when you call 999 for an ambulance in the case of a cardiac arrest, the call handler will advise you of the location of the nearest defibrillator and will give you the code to access the machine.  All the more reason to ensure that you make the 999 call first or send someone to make that call.

Our most recent offerings at the Jenner Centre are going well with the Monday morning ChitChat with Coffee having a steady flow of folk ready for a good blether. I don’t know if they’re putting the world to right or dealing with more complicated topics but there’s  plenty of chat and the volunteers are gaining much from the company as well.

The Cancer Support Group is providing valuable support for all who attend -while the longer established services continue to provide valuable local care – maybe not quite “top to toe” but certainly “ears to toe”.

We’ve been promising to offer seated exercises for some time and we’re nearly there.  All we need is for those of you interested to let us know when is the best day for you – Wednesdays or Fridays afternoon.  I’ve put in some other suggestions for being a bit more active so I hope you find something of interest.

When we’ve asked in the past for your ideas for expanding services at the Jenner Centre – this is how how we continue to develop – we had a range of ideas, listed below.  Let us know what you think – whether you would like to be involved either as a knowledgeable person, a participant or a volunteer and we’ll see what we can do.


  • Children’s activities/Autistic children support
  • Memories of the 50s, 60s, 70s and childhood memories
  • Photography and how to use it with IT
  • Help for people overwhelmed with modern technology – you’re not alone
  • Evening classes if possible for the above
  • A diary page – what’s on in Brechin
  • First Aid classes
  • Dementia services
  • Support for mental health issues eg anxiety
  • Complementary therapies
  • Yoga
  • Activities for disabled/mental health
  • Support for those with stroke/cardiac issues


Keep your ideas and suggestions coming so we can bring you the information and support that will make a difference for you.