The Jenner Centre – DD9 Connections Issue No 23


All is going well at the Jenner Centre with the ChitChat with Coffee having its regular folk who have plenty to discuss.  We have a number of board games – Ludo, Drafts, 9 Spot Dominoes – available if anyone fancies a go, or bring along a jigsaw and work on it week by week.

                               Peer to Peer Cancer Support Group

The Cancer Support Group is much appreciated by a growing number of people, including some outwith the DD9 area who don’t have this support locally.  New members may be anxious at first but are made welcome and comfortable within the group; lots of sharing, understanding and support.

                                        Seated Exercises

Starting on Friday 14th March at 10:30am we have a Seated Exercise programme.  Jean Clark will be beginning with half an hour sessions – she’s letting us in gently! – and building up to hour long sessions.  These chair movements are for everyone; no pressure, not competitive, just watch to begin with and join in when you’re ready, have fun. And of course, we’re the Jenner Centre so the kettle will always be on for a cuppae at the end.


We’ve had a number of interesting documents brought in by Brechiners which jog memories.  Adverts of shops and services long-gone, but still remembered and prompting stories.  We’d like to make a display of these local resources which can be added to and create interest for both Brechiners born-and-bred, and in-aboot-comers.  Where is Smithbank Road and by what other name is it known?


Which leads me on to Scot words, unknown to some but often used by many folk.  Think of the many Scots words describing the weather, characteristics, wee beasties and many more.  I’ll give you “dreich” to start you off – but why do so many Scots words describe the downside of life?  Are we really so dour?


When organisations look for funding there is usually a point at which you have to describe who would benefit from the activities.  We know that the volunteers may gain as much as anyone from the interaction which comes from meeting all the folk who come in to the Centre.  We find that many of the people who use the Jenner Centre give us something to smile about.  However difficult some lives might be, the way people tackle each day and cope with the problems they face a lesson to us all.  That’s why we enjoy what we do.