The Jenner Centre – DD9 Connections Issue No 19


The Jenner Centre

We held our open days at the end of August and were pleased with the number of folk who came to see our new premises. There was a steady stream throughout the two days which allowed us to spend time chatting with the visitors and explaining what we do and asking for their ideas on the future of the Jenner Centre. A seat and a cuppy allowed for even more discussion.


We had displays showing the opportunities for the Arts and Crafts group as well as an appeal for people to consider taking part in CPR training (see more details elsewhere in this Issue ). The table with “memory joggers” prompted a lot of discussion and got people sharing reminiscences – the YM football team from the 1960s; a shuttle from Dukie’s; pre-war cookery book; photographs of Brechin’s past; the Playlist for Life. (ask us about this).

Memory Joggers

We had a number of diverse ideas put forward and are working towards implementing them, for example memories of specific eras often identified by the music of the time. We have the offer of a keyboard and hopefully will have folk who can pick out a tune. Seated exercise is something else we would like to offer. We’re constantly thinking about what would make a difference to local folk so keep those ideas coming.


Already going well is the Arts and Crafts group on a Monday, 1.30 – 3.30pm. Initially begun for those who knit and crochet, any crafters can join in. There is much chatting and putting the world to rights but there is also support for those either new to crafting or having problems with following the patterns. What amazing talents there are within our community, not least of which is the listening ear which we all need at times. £3 per session includes a cuppy and a tasty bite.

Arts and Crafts display


A recent meeting with the Macmillan nurse is helping us to establish a drop-in Cancer Support group for those affected by cancer. This will be monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, beginning 15th October 2-4pm.  In connection with this we will be holding a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Saturday 26 October from 10am – 1pm. Come and enjoy fresh pancakes and a blether. Surely the weather will be kinder than last year when so many of you braved Storm Babet to come to support the coffee morning!


We’ve chatted a lot with folk who come in to the Jenner Centre, whether waiting for their appointment or accompanying a friend or relative. So much good seems to come from this that we’re to be starting a Monday morning drop-in café from 10am -12 noon hopefully by the middle of October. At first it’ll be all about having a blether but we plan to have a Memories session once a month as there is so much history of Brechin hiding within us.

For all these new plans we will be counting on more volunteers so if you can spare a few hours to join us in these exciting times ahead, you know where to find us. Drop in for a chat about how we can all work together.


Moira Robertson

Trustee,  Brechin Healthcare Group