Who Changes Your Light Bulb?


When we asked for comments and suggestions for inclusion in DD9 Connections, a very valid point was made about the difficulty in finding local services to do the small but important jobs around the home. I had a long and helpful chat with Trading Standards about this. To become a Trusted Trader, Trading Standards have to put the various trades people through rigorous checking and of course it also depends on traders coming forward to be assessed. The result is that there are not as many locally as we need.

Another important point was that often the jobs needing to be done are too small for firms to take on. Angus Care and Repair used to be the organisation to contact but unfortunately they are no longer in operation. Some of the local traders who didn’t want to join the Trusted Trader scheme successfully run their own businesses and may be willing to consider the proposal below.

During my discussion, the suggestion was made that we could establish a directory of local “handymen/women” who would be willing and able to do the smaller jobs which we all would have done ourselves in the past but are no longer able to do. Not a good idea to stand on a chair to change a lightbulb – the NHS doesn’t really need any more attendances at A&E!

Recommendations through word of mouth are perhaps the most reliable but we need to know who they are and what they would be able to do. We would of course need to speak to these tradesmen/women and get their thoughts about this. It could be  changing a washer on a tap, moving some furniture, cleaning the awkward corners in our houses, moving garden furniture inside for the winter and of course, changing the ceiling light bulb.

It may be that you have younger and more able neighbours or family. Would they be interested in making themselves available to others for a modest fee?

Have a think about this and see whether we can create a vital service for the less able members of our community.


Moira Robertson

Trustee, Brechin Healthcare Group