Jenner Centre – going forward


Currently we offer Footcare, Hearing Aid services, Arts and Crafts Group and specific counselling sessions arranged by the Counsellors for their own clients.

 In the near future we hope to provide peer support for those with Diabetes, and also expand the counselling services. Another plan is to offer an open door on Monday mornings for folk to drop in for a cuppae and a blether.

 Our big project is to develop services which will address loneliness and isolation as well as early stage dementia. We’re doing this by exploring memories which we all have but want to share with others. The older we get, the fewer folk there are to share those memories with. We’ll be looking at what triggers our memories and create a resource for reference in the future. Triggers may be sounds, smells and tastes; work, hobbies and sport; language both Scots and local, names and photographs; and more!

 To help us make the best use of our new premises, please give us your ideas and suggestions. What other services would you like to see at the Jenner Centre to benefit yourself, your family and the wider community?

 We are currently open for limited times and for us to open more often we need to recruit volunteers to help us. Would you be interested in volunteering with us and if so what days and times would best suit you?

Many of us have interests and experiences which we would like to share with other folk. Are there hobbies, services or interests which you would like to offer from a local venue? Transport is frequently an issue so if you could use the Jenner Centre to offer local support, let us know, we’re here to help.