New Services at the Jenner Centre
BHG is pleased to announce three new services at The Jenner Centre –
Self-directed Support Service for Dundee and Angus.
It is aimed at everyone who needs social care and support. Dundee Carers Centre
Contact details on the website or contact the Jenner Centre.

Hear Me Counselling
We provide specialist, trauma informed counselling.
Counselling for men, women, and children (age 8+) who have experienced or been affected by the trauma of sexual abuse at any time in their lives.
Provide an outreach service covering Angus and the surrounding area. Also provide counselling via the telephone, digital platforms or outdoors.
For more information, please also see our website.
We accept self-referrals, or you can make a referral on behalf of someone else. Referral forms can be downloaded from our website or get in touch, and we can send one to you.
Tel: 01307 850741

Address: PO Box 7010, Forfar, Angus DD8 0BJ
Scottish Charity: SC044106

Alternatives –
Our aim is to create space for change through compassionate and skilled support. You can register to arrange an appointment with Listening Rooms through the online booking form –

Or contact the Jenner Centre for more details.